“I would like my climb to inspire you to conquer your own Everest.”

My name is Lucia Janičová, I am a mother, I work as a scientist and I enjoy my life as a mountaineer and adventurer.

In my case, mountaineering is a kind of tool that helps me to improve my physical and mental health. It literally pushes me higher and higher, both in climbing and in life.

When I found out that no Slovak woman had ever climbed Mount Everest, I saw it as a reflection of the deeply rooted gender inequality in our society and I decided to break this barrier.

With the full support of Slovenská sporiteľňa and my family, I became the first Slovak woman to climb to the top of the world.

“I want to be remembered as a woman who stood up.”

—Lucia Janičová

“I don’t need to get a record for just myself, I want to get a record and share it with girls and women worldwide.”

Like many women worldwide, I have personally experienced gender inequality, emotional abuse, coercion and rape. I want to share that it is possible to transcend trauma and achieve success in whatever you set your mind to.