I am a mother, I work as a scientist and I enjoy my life as a mountaineer and adventurer.
My name is Lucia Janičová, I am a mother, I work as a scientist and I enjoy my life as a mountaineer and adventurer.
Many women today are changing their minds about certain social norms and I am very happy to be a part of this change.
When I found out that no Slovak woman had ever climbed Mount Everest, I saw it as a reflection of the deeply rooted gender inequality in our society and I decided to break this barrier.
With the full support of Slovenská sporiteľňa and my family, I succeeded in becoming the first Slovak woman to stand on the top of the world.
I want to show courage to women, especially those who, like me, have suffered trauma as a result of inequality.
I want my climb to inspire you not to be afraid to conquer your own Everest and achieve your own high goals.
Because the future really is in your hands, the future is yours.